The Mañaina Scholarship is intended for working students who are at risk of stopping out of an academic semester or year due to financial hardship. This need is determined by the UOG Financial Office, based on students’ completed FAFSA application forms. The anticipated award ranges from $500 to $1,000 and can be awarded as early as Fanuchanan (Fall 2020). The determination of awards will be made through the Enrollment Management and Student Success Division, based on review and recommendation by the UOG Financial Aid Director, EMSS Dean, the Senior Vice President and two other UOG representatives. This will be an integral part of the UOG College Affordability Initiative intended to close the degree completion gaps for financially struggling students who work.
In CHamoru, Mañaina is the plural form of Saina which may refer to one’s parents, to all elders or to CHamoru ancestors depending on the context. Mañaina value their independence and they are sources of support, guidance, protection and wisdom for their families. Parents’ reputations hinge on raising families that abide by CHamoru mores of respect, reciprocal responsibilities and obligations including the duty of caring for their parents. (guampedia.com)
When we think about our elders (Mañaina), we recall their nurturing sense of care for one’s family and the community. This serves as the inspiration for this scholarship fund.