This scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Mark Lander who was a faculty member of the Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam, from 1999 to 2022. His cutting-edge research contributed significantly to world-wide understanding of western Pacific weather phenomena and their roles in global weather systems. His vast knowledge in these areas placed him in high demand at professional conferences and workshops around the world. This scholarship will be awarded to one graduate student from the University of Guam’s Master of Science in Environmental Science program whose thesis results are worthy of presentation at a professional conference or publication in the peer-reviewed professional literature, and whose academic performance and personal character exemplify the virtues that Dr. Lander stood for, most especially a commitment to doing honest and reliable science based on sound data and forthright interpretations of it. The award shall be used to support registration or travel to a professional conference, or publication costs of an article for a conference proceedings volume or a peer-reviewed professional journal.